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Inside the Mind of Babychaos: Music, Fashion, and the Art of Storytelling

Inside the Mind of Babychaos: Music, Fashion, and the Art of Storytelling
By Black Raven | September 13, 2024
An Exclusive Interview with Babychaos on Creative Freedom, Collaborations, and Defying Expectations

Babychaos is a multifaceted artist whose music spans a variety of genres, with haunting and atmospheric elements that captivate listeners. In this interview, she opens up about how she crafts her unique sound, tackles deep personal and societal issues in her lyrics, and blends fashion with music to create an alter ego that commands attention. With a debut EP on the horizon and exciting new projects ahead, Babychaos continues to push boundaries as both a musician and a visionary creative.

Your music spans multiple genres and often features haunting and atmospheric elements. How do you decide on the specific sound for each track?

I usually go with whatever I’m listening to or consuming a lot of at the moment. I never liked to feel boxed in as a specific type of artist. I like to just have fun and not take it too seriously when it comes to thoughts of "I have to structure x y and z a certain way to fit a mold."

Baby Chaos

In songs like Playgod and Babylon, there’s a recurring theme of confronting personal and societal issues. Can you tell us more about the message you want listeners to take away from your music?

I wrote Playgod and Babylon when I was like 20. Being a 20 year old girl who felt like she’d lived so many lives created an arsenal of creative material I can pull at any time. I was learning a lot about myself and navigating all kinds of interpersonal relationships; what ticks me off, what draws me in, what makes me bite back -- I found myself feeling very cathartic writing about revenge and proving people wrong even though the only person I needed to really prove wrong was myself.

Babychaos - Babylon (Official Music Video)

You’ve collaborated with various artists across different tracks. How do these collaborations come about, and what do you look for in a collaborative partner?

Yes, I have! I like having others around me and on projects to have our personalities bounce off each other. Many of the past collaborations happened through a label I was working with at the time. Now, when it comes to working with other artists I like to see a strong personality and a love for the craft that’s deep like mine. I like when collaborations happen organically too through friendships or running in similar circles.

Baby Chaos

The visuals in your music videos are quite striking and unique. How do you approach the visual storytelling in your videos?

First off, thank you! Something I value deeply is being able to go to a director or videographer knowing they’ll back an idea and build on it side by side with me. I like to have a solid amount of creative control so the process of building visuals for me happens when I’m writing the song itself. Visuals are extremely important to me, to build a world solely from my brain and putting it on paper is like my science.

Baby Chaos

Your lyrics often delve into deep and sometimes dark themes. How do you channel your personal experiences and emotions into your songwriting?

They totally do. I have a very simple answer: I don’t know any other way to deal with it. I grew up very isolated and I never developed any serious vices so creative outlets which solely consisted of writing, singing and playing piano totally took over and never left. Writing is a passive thing for me and always happens so I’m thankful I never have to force myself to sit down and do it. It’s just something I love very deeply and has been my only "vice" for dealing with stuff.

Baby Chaos

How do you balance your identity as a model and a musician? Do these roles ever influence each other creatively?

I planned for them to go hand in hand by the time I was like 18. I wanted to build a following around the image I knew the music would revolve around. I actually haven’t done any modeling work in months now, just to focus on music but I really am my happiest in front of a camera.

Baby Chaos

Your style is very distinct and aligns with your music’s aesthetic. How do you see fashion and music intersecting in your work?

I’m big on the alter ego theory; we see many celebrities like Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj mentioning the alter ego they step into when working, and I do the same. The person underneath this project, being Elizabeth Rose, is quiet and studious and always has been. But the person who becomes the project, Babychaos, is nearly the opposite and that’s where the loud, latex and many-belts-adorned style comes in. I like to feel larger than life in my skin when building this project more and more every day.

Baby Chaos

What’s the most challenging part of being an independent artist today, especially in terms of maintaining creative control?

I think building a solid routine for many creatives can be difficult. It’s easy to procrastinate and want to do things later but time passes quickly and I never seem to have enough hours in the day to perfectly adjust and reposition the hats I wear.

Baby Chaos

You have a strong online presence across various platforms, from TikTok to Instagram. How do you use these platforms to engage with your fans and promote your work?

World building is very important to me. I like to view my socials as their own world outside everything else, because anything that isn’t shown basically doesn’t exist to the viewer. I went to school for data science and learned a lot about numbers and algorithms while doing so, and it was great to learn how to market on a scientific level, and of course on a branding level. I’m particular about what I show from my life because I don’t want you to look for an escape from regular life just to see someone else’s regular life.

Baby Chaos
Photo by Luis Rosado

Looking ahead, what new directions or projects are you excited to explore, both in your music and your modeling career?

Everything’s changing. Not even kidding, everything is changing after years of building and figuring out what path I want to carve. So now I’m working on a debut EP, it will be in a different genre than what I’ve worked in before. I’ve been working hard at building my brand and world within my car group over at Cultured Chaos, hosting meets and events all over Florida. I am beyond excited for more collaborations with other creatives, lots of traveling over these next few months and lots and lots of writing.

Baby Chaos

Keep up with Babychaos on Instagram: @itsbabychaos

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